Professional Development

High Tech/Low Tech: Refresh, Reflect, Restart Recharged

As the school year winds down and we all begin to breathe again, we look forward to a refresh over the summer. Perhaps that is a glass of lemonade, a cold beer, or an opportunity to finally update all those apps on your phone and laptop without having to worry

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WAFLT Mentoring-How can we help you? How can we help each other?

“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.” John C. Crosby WAFLT members are invited to participate in our mentoring program, one of the many benefits of membership. WAFLT supports mentor partners by establishing connections and providing resources to the partners as

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There’s an App for That!…Or Not…

  So you are used to seeing High Tech Low Tech articles that discuss options for improving your students language learning experience. These options are presented in various ways requiring different amounts of technology or none at all. The outcomes are intended to be the same regardless of whether you

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