PR Resources

Why Learn Languages?

New Publication from ACTFL!

New report findings demonstrate that language skills are in high demand among U.S. employers across industries and functions—and that demand is expected to rise.

From the Press Release-The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) today announced the findings of its survey that calls attention to the serious foreign language skills gap in the U.S. workforce. The report, “Making Languages Our Business: Addressing Foreign Language Demand Among U.S. Employers,” shows the critical demand in the U.S. economy for multilingual employees, providing the most comprehensive look at the value of foreign language to date.

Other resources:

Wisconsin Language Roadmap Initiative: The Wisconsin Language Roadmap is a strategic planning document to enhance the economic competitiveness of the State of Wisconsin and to meet the language and cultural demands of Wisconsin’s workforce and communities by strengthening world language education in our state. Hundreds of Wisconsinites from across business, government, community, and education sectors contributed to the development of the report and its recommendations.

Speaking in Tongues follows four diverse children on a journey to become bilingual. This will challenge all to rethink the skills that Americans need to succeed n the 21st Century.

Languages & Careers page containing stories of current professionals that found knowing another language and culture and/or having had experiences abroad have had significant impact on their career. Stories include the importance of soft skills such as empathy as well as navigating successful communication in a global workplace.

Global Wisconsin is designed to encourage school districts to develop programs focused on the importance of understanding cultural differences and issues, and the impact it will have on students’ future success—Global Wisconsin makes the case that international education is both essential to students and easily integrated into current teaching practices.

Go Global”: Videos by Stacie Berdan, international careers expert and global marketing consultant.  Testimonials by students about the importance of their global experiences


ACTFL: American Council On The Teaching Of Foreign Languages is the only national organization dedicated to the improvement and expansion of the teaching and learning of all languages at all levels of instruction.

ACTFL Advocacy Resources:

ACTFL Research & Resources: ACTFL’s Online Dictionary of Resources for Foreign Language Educators.

Alliance for the Advancement of Heritage Languages promotes advancing language development for heritage language speakers in the United States as part of a larger effort to educate members of our society who can function professionally in English and in other languages.

Asia Society is the leading educational organization dedicated to promoting mutual understanding and strengthening partnerships among peoples, leaders and institutions of Asia and the United States in a global context. Across the fields of arts, business, culture, education, and policy, the Society provides insight, generates ideas, and promotes collaboration to address present challenges and create a shared future.

CAL: The Center For Applied Linguistics is dedicated to providing a comprehensive range of research-based information, tools, and resources related to language and culture. l

CSCTFL: Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages is a regional foreign language organization that serves 17 Midwestern states through its annual spring conference. See the CSCTFL Advocacy page.

CLEAR: The Center for Language Education and Research is a Language Resource Center (LRC) through a Title VI grant from the U.S. Department of Education. CLEAR strives to promote and support the teaching and learning of foreign languages in the United States through its various projects and outreach activities.

DPI: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction—World Languages homepage provides connections to student exchanges, world language professional development, university language requirements and more!

NNELL: National Network for Early Language Learning provides leadership in support of successful early language learning and teaching. NNELL is an invaluable resource for educators, parents and policymakers advocating for K-8 programs of excellence in second language education.

WINELL: Wisconsin Network for Early Language Learning provides resources and connections to promote early language learning in Wisconsin.

JNCL-NCLIS: Joint National Committee for Languages & the National Council for Languages and International Studies is comprised of member organizations that are united in their belief that all Americans must have the opportunity to learn and use English and at least one other language. JNCL-NCLIS provides the latest in policy development regarding world languages at the federal level of government.

MLA: Modern Language Association of America provides opportunities for its members to share their scholarly findings and teaching experiences with colleagues and to discuss trends in the academy.

NADSFL: National Association of District Supervisors of Foreign Languages promotes excellence in foreign language education for all learners through professional development of foreign language supervisors. h

NCCSFL: National Council of State Supervisors For Languages is an organization of education agency personnel from all states of the United States who provide leadership in facilitating and promoting policies and practices that support language education.

Professional Communication/Networking

Ñandutí is a listserv for foreign language teachers, school district personnel, superintendents, college and university teacher educators, and parents who are committed to improving early language programs by sharing information and expertise.

FLTEACH: The Foreign Language Teaching Forum serves as a forum for communication among language teachers at all educational levels and across geographic boundaries to offer discussion of methods and access to specific teaching materials (handouts, activities, lesson plans, syllabi, software, etc.) as well as other resources.

The Public Relations team of WAFLT is here to help network you to the information you need. Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to suggest a resource to be added to this page!

Karen L. Fowdy — Public Relations Chairperson

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