Advocacy Updates at your fingertips in this Google+ Community

One of the best things about the beginning of a new school year is the chance to rethink and reset our good intentions. Because of our passion for learning languages, one of those intentions is surely advocating for learning another language and connecting to other cultures. We know that it is vital to have quick and easy access to information that helps us keep the good intention of sharing the news and research about our profession. This month, I’d like to make you aware of a resource that arrives in your mailbox and informs you about what is happening in Wisconsin and around the world.

Just go to, scroll down to RESOURCES, and click on the link to join the Wisconsin DPI World Language and International Education Professional Community. You will become part of the Google+ community that shares resources, research, strategies, ideas, and updates to promote equity in access to the benefits of bilingualism, intercultural literacy and global competence. Pam Delfosse, the International Education and World Languages Consultant at the Wisconsin D.P.I., moderates this Google Plus community, posting information that keeps the members up to date. You can share this information with community members, students, colleagues and others who may be interested in the post. You can see past posts, comment, and connect. As Pam says on the page, “The content and value of this site is ours to create. Share a success story, announce a professional learning opportunity, pose a question, post a resource, and respond to colleagues to add value along the way.” In just the last month, there have been links to resources about the Seal of Biliteracy, the Global Education Achievement Certificate, a framework for developing global and cultural competencies, the Wisconsin Language Roadmap Initiative, and more.

I just timed it. It took me 9 seconds to join this group, even with my slow wifi connection! I hope you will do yourself the favor to click and join and then SHARE the resources to put your advocacy into action.

Here’s to a new school year full of those moments that make us realize how lucky we are to be World Language teachers and to sharing the good news with others.

Published by
Lauren Rosen