
High Tech and Low Tech “Minds on” the Real World

As we observe our students in the classroom setting, we look for them to be engaged in learning, not just…

8 years ago

Instagram Challenge: #WAFLTwiWord

#WAFLTwiWord is a monthly Instagram challenge inspired by Spanish educators Adelaida Martín Bosque and Pilar Munday, who created a similar…

8 years ago

Recognizing and Socializing Accomplishments: Feedback to Engage Students in their own Learning

Feedback is one of the most powerful influences on learning and achievement, but this impact can vary, dependent on when…

8 years ago

Our Students, Our Advocates

“I overheard my daughter talking with her friends in German.” “A person came through the line when I was bagging…

8 years ago

Fall Conference Registration Now Open!

Paving The Road To Proficiency: Empowering 21st century learners to develop their cultural understandings, cross-curricular literacy, and communication Radisson Paper…

8 years ago

Building Relationships Using Hi-tech and Low-tech Instruction

Nowadays, it is pretty common that technology plays an important role in the world language classroom. Our guiding resource ACTFL…

9 years ago

Visiting and Building a Relationship with your Legislators

If you have not visited your Senators or Representative, the process can seem a little daunting. How do I set…

9 years ago

Classroom Engagement, Participation and Proficiency

I recently wrote the following in a personal statement of my teaching philosophy: I value a safe and culturally rich…

9 years ago

Discover What Languages Mean!

In 2008, WAFLT and Discover Languages Wisconsin launched the first edition of the Student Video & Postcard Contests. These contests…

9 years ago

Students as Teachers…Presentations Taken to the Next Level

Student presentations are commonplace in world language classrooms and have been for a long time. Teachers use them for all…

9 years ago