
Inspiring the Choir to Sing-From Advocate to Activist

Last July, the Advocacy in Action column was titled “Beyond Preaching to the Choir.”  To continue that metaphor, I’d like to share my favorite new quote about advocacy, “The reason we preach to the choir is because we want to inspire them to sing.” (Dr. Jay Ketner) I was inspired

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WAFLT Conference Poster Sessions: High Tech Low Tech

Have you thought about presenting at WAFLT but then wondered if you really had enough to share? Well, you do! It’s all about the packaging. Maybe you don’t feel ready to spend a whole hour talking about what you are doing. Perhaps you prefer that one-to-a-few informal conversation with colleagues.

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Mentoring Matters: Focus on the Students

Do you have a story about mentoring that you’d like to share? Please consider submitting yours to: mentor@waflt email. If you are interested in finding or being a mentor, please visit WAFLT’s mentoring page. All mentoring participants and mentoring story contributors will receive a “Great Thought A Day” notepad!  We know from

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The Wisconsin Language Roadmap

The Wisconsin Language Roadmap asks, “What can YOU do?” It’s here, but now the work begins!  There is much work to be done at local and state levels! The Wisconsin Language Roadmap is a call for collaborative action. The key question that the report puts forward is: WHAT CAN YOU

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Differentiation Opportunities: High Tech Low Tech

Recently Spanish 3 students at my school have been exploring different social and conservation problems through news, stories, and videos. While social activism is not exactly on the forefront of any of these sixteen year olds’ brains, I have found that there are 3 factors which play a very large

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Mentoring Matters: My Mentor Jody Schneider

On those mornings when thoughts about helping a particular student or trying out a new activity jolt me out of sleep way too early, it is comforting to know that Jody Schneider is already up and grappling with something similar. I know this because she once offered to meet me

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WAFLT Mentoring-How can we help you? How can we help each other?

“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.” John C. Crosby WAFLT members are invited to participate in our mentoring program, one of the many benefits of membership. WAFLT supports mentor partners by establishing connections and providing resources to the partners as

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YOU are an advocate!   How do we internalize and carry forward the positive and energizing messages from the 2018 WAFLT World Language conference? If you were in the audience for the keynote address, you heard these powerful words from the keynote speaker, Dr. Edward M. Zarrow, 2016 ACTFL National Teacher

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High Tech Low Tech Right Tech No Tech

As we approach conference season with WAFLT and ACTFL just around the corner, many of us are getting excited for the new ideas, the networking, the recharge to our batteries. In addition to teaching language classes, for the past 25 years I have spent many hours in classrooms observing others

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