Advocacy in Action

Beyond “Preaching to the Choir”

Diverse stakeholders join forces to support language learning Speaking out about the value of learning   languages   comes naturally to World Language teachers. We have experienced the joy of connecting with other individuals and cultures through language and are eager to share that joy with others. However, our advocacy efforts can

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Language advocates lobby Congress for language education and industry priorities

Reprinted with permission from Maria Pulcini and JNCL-NCLIS. On February 15-16, the Joint National Committee for Languages – National Council for Languages and International Studies (JNCL-NCLIS), the authority on language policy in Washington, DC, hosted its annual conference, Language Advocacy Day. Unique in the field, the event affords the opportunity for those

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ADVOCACY for World Languages-On the Proficiency Journey

World language teachers know that learning a language is a journey. Our love of the journey led us to our chosen profession. But do we remember to encourage our students to join us on the journey? Consider these two options for a “road trip.” 1) Come on! Get on this

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Why We Strive

This has been a tough year to feel like fighting. Every time I turn on the news I find another reason to be discouraged. I had a death in the family which was long in coming and very draining. Work has been as busy and as stressful as ever. But

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Advocacy in Action

Happy Summer!  Whether you are teaching summer school, traveling with students, taking classes, or finding time to relax and enjoy time with family and friends, it is surely a little diversion from your busy routine during the academic year.  However, we  know that your teacher brain is always thinking of

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Lead with Languages

This month we have great news to share! On March 3, ACTFL launched its national language proficiency awareness and advocacy campaign and website, Lead with Languages. This multi-year campaign aims to build awareness about the increased demand for language skills and supports the growth of learners who are competent in other languages and

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Instagram Challenge: #WAFLTwiWord

#WAFLTwiWord is a monthly Instagram challenge inspired by Spanish educators Adelaida Martín Bosque and Pilar Munday, who created a similar challenge in 2014, #instagramELE. Each month there will be a word or a phrase relating to global languages and cultures posted by the WAFLT 21st Century Communications Committee to hashtag

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Our Students, Our Advocates

“I overheard my daughter talking with her friends in German.” “A person came through the line when I was bagging groceries and didn’t understand the checker. I was able to help her because I spoke Spanish!” “My granddaughter showed me how she can write in Chinese!” Our students can be

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Visiting and Building a Relationship with your Legislators

If you have not visited your Senators or Representative, the process can seem a little daunting. How do I set up the meeting? Will they listen to me? How do I translate one visit into a relationship that can further serve language education? Still, when I am in Washington, D.C.

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Discover What Languages Mean!

In 2008, WAFLT and Discover Languages Wisconsin launched the first edition of the Student Video & Postcard Contests. These contests are based on the ACTFL Discover Languages Campaign. Fast forward to 2016 and our contests are continuously celebrating and recognizing our student’s connections to world languages in Wisconsin!   Our contests

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