Advocacy in Action

Beyond “Preaching to the Choir”

Diverse stakeholders join forces to support language learning Speaking out about the value of learning   languages   comes naturally to World…

7 years ago

Language advocates lobby Congress for language education and industry priorities

Reprinted with permission from Maria Pulcini and JNCL-NCLIS. On February 15-16, the Joint National Committee for Languages - National Council for…

7 years ago

ADVOCACY for World Languages-On the Proficiency Journey

World language teachers know that learning a language is a journey. Our love of the journey led us to our…

7 years ago

Why We Strive

This has been a tough year to feel like fighting. Every time I turn on the news I find another…

7 years ago

Advocacy in Action

Happy Summer!  Whether you are teaching summer school, traveling with students, taking classes, or finding time to relax and enjoy…

8 years ago

Lead with Languages

This month we have great news to share! On March 3, ACTFL launched its national language proficiency awareness and advocacy campaign and…

8 years ago

Instagram Challenge: #WAFLTwiWord

#WAFLTwiWord is a monthly Instagram challenge inspired by Spanish educators Adelaida Martín Bosque and Pilar Munday, who created a similar…

8 years ago

Our Students, Our Advocates

“I overheard my daughter talking with her friends in German.” “A person came through the line when I was bagging…

8 years ago

Visiting and Building a Relationship with your Legislators

If you have not visited your Senators or Representative, the process can seem a little daunting. How do I set…

9 years ago

Discover What Languages Mean!

In 2008, WAFLT and Discover Languages Wisconsin launched the first edition of the Student Video & Postcard Contests. These contests…

9 years ago